Specialised Cleaning
This division is a service we feel necessary to complete the triangle so we can offer our customers a “one stop shop” This is the Specialized Cleaning Division. In the
past we have had to outsource the clean-ups after an installation or shop fit. Starting our own division saves on cost and time for you, our valued customer. We offer a clean-up before or after re-location, a general maintenance clean, i.e. cleaning and sanitizing of your ablutions, scrubbing of the floors, or windows that need to be cleaned and are not
easily accessible.
We also offer to clean your signage on a regular basis. Some of our other services include builders cleans, flood damage clean ups and other insurance claims such as fire damage, etc.
- Clean-up before or after re-location
- General maintenance clean
- Cleaning and sanitizing of your ablutions
- Scrubbing of the floors
- Windows that need to be cleaned and are not easily accessible
- Cleaning of signage on a regular basis
- Builders cleans
- Flood damage clean ups
- Other insurance claims such as fire damage